World Communion Sunday – October 6

World Communion Sunday – October 6

Come and join us around the Lord’s Table as we celebrate Holy Communion with worshipers around the world and around fellowship tables as we share a meal together following the worship service.  Details will be available in the Gateway or by calling the Church...
Fall Excursion

Fall Excursion

The Adult Ministry invites you to join us for a fall excursion on October 3 & 4 to Callaway Gardens, GA.  We will be visiting during their Pumpkin Festival.  The cost of the trip is $200 per person/double occupancy.  That includes transportation, dinner,...
Sunday Evening Youth Activities

Sunday Evening Youth Activities

Sunday evening youth activities will kick off for the new school year on September 8. 4:30 p.m. – Youth Choir (Youth Choir Room, FH200) 5:30 p.m. – Youth Supper 6:00 p.m. – Youth Bible Study Come and join us!
Youth and Adult Mission Trips

Youth and Adult Mission Trips

Our youth group and a group of our adults will both taking simultaneous mission trips to Middlesboro, KY, July 20 – 26.  Working through First Baptist Church of Middlesboro, our groups will be assisting with VBS, light construction, feeding ministries and a...
Children’s Music & Arts Camp

Children’s Music & Arts Camp

Join us for our 15th annual Children’s Music & Arts Camp, July 8-10, 2024.  The camp is for school-age children who have completed Kindergarten through 5th grade.  During our 3 day camp (9 a.m. – 4 p.m.), the children will have the opportunity to try a...