First Time
Before arriving for your first visit with us at First Baptist, you might be wondering a few things about us or what you might want to know before you arrive.
Service Times
Our service times are Sundays:
9:30 a.m. Sunday School (all ages provided)
11:00 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary
If you have question is not answered below, then feel free to reach out to us at
When you arrive, there are several guest parking spots located in the large parking area just off Gateway Ave (or 6th Street if you are coming from the downtown area).
These guest spots are located closest to the building and just in front of the steps leading to the sanctuary.
There are two main entrances for joining us prior to worship on Sunday.
From the large parking lot off Gateway Ave., there are steps leading to the sanctuary from the parking lot. If you walk towards the steeple, you will find the steps.
If you are needing special assistance, have mobility issues, or wish to drop someone off at a door, there is a covered drive entrance off Cameron Hill Drive.
What to Wear
You will see everything from suits and dresses to jeans and shorts. We suggest that you dress in the way that makes you feel most comfortable.
All Ages Welcome
All ages are invited and welcome to join in worship, but if parents wish to have younger children (birth to four years old) participate in our Worship Care program, then a greeter in the Sanctuary Narthex will gladly guide the family to our Children’s Hallway.