School of Fine Arts

School of Fine Arts 

Now accepting new students for the 2022-2023 school year.

Since 1997 the SFA has been providing quality instruction, and enriching the lives of its students, the church and the community. Through a diversely experienced, highly skilled, and educated faculty we offer superior instruction to students of any age or level of ability, whether preparing for college and career or learning for personal enjoyment and fulfillment.

The First Baptist Church, centrally located in downtown Chattanooga, provides a fine facility with a safe and nurturing atmosphere.

Our students consistently achieve excellence and have shown their abilities through winning many awards and scholarships.

They have also enhanced the cultural offerings of the community by giving of their musical and artistic talents, while deepening their own artistic understanding.

Mission Statement

To offer those in the Chattanooga community opportunities to develop and enhance their artistic, God-given talents in a loving, supportive atmosphere with a professional faculty of the highest quality; and to provide the congregation of First Baptist Church a unique ministry opportunity to reach out and share the love of Christ in the Chattanooga community through the gifts of the arts and arts education.

Who May Register

Private music instruction is offered to anyone desiring to begin or continue her or his musical training.

Adults and children may enroll and will receive appropriate instruction which is adapted to each student’s age and experience.

If you have questions, please call the SFA Director and he can provide guidance.

Generally, 2nd grade or higher is an appropriate time to begin piano or violin lessons, and middle school age is appropriate to begin voice and wind instrument lessons.

What Instruction is Offered?

Private instruction in Voice, Piano, Strings, Organ, Guitar, Winds, Percussion, and Conducting is offered.

All instructors and lesson times are subject to availability.

The School of Fine Arts is pleased to offer instruction by some of the most highly qualified musicians and creative artists in the Chattanooga area.

All instructors are approved by the School of Fine Arts Advisory Committee and are experienced in their field of instruction, both as teachers and performers. Most members of the music faculty possess a degree in their area of experience, many with graduate degrees.

Click here to meet our faculty.

Contact Jeff Parker

Jeff Parker, the School of Fine Arts Director



Click here to register

Make a Payment

Click here to pay the registration fee or donate to our program (Paypal account required).  Please include the student’s name in the notes.

Parking and Facilities

First Baptist Church is conveniently located in the heart of downtown Chattanooga.

Click here for a map and directions to the church. 

Lessons are taught in dedicated studios with an available Lounge for waiting family members. Our building is secure with plenty of free parking on site.


Student recitals are scheduled at least twice per school year in the Chapel of First Baptist Church.

The recitals give students the opportunity to showcase their talents and learn from their peers. Students are encouraged to perform in all recitals, which are free and open to the public.

Our Record

Students from the School of Fine Arts have won recognition at the Chattanooga Music Teachers Association (CMTA), the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS), The Chattanooga Symphony and Opera Guild High School Vocal Competition, Chattanooga State Vocal Festival Competition and Chattanooga Music Club.

They have also received music scholarships to many colleges and universities and have won roles in many local theatre productions

The School of Fine Arts is a long time member of the National Guild for Community Arts Education.


An annual fee of $40.00 is due with your School of Fine Arts registration.

The Registration Fee is $20 for any additonal family members. The fee may be paid online (through Paypal) or submitted at your first lesson.  For those who register after April 1, this registration fee covers the next year as well.  Each returning student is to complete a new registration form and return it with the $40 fee by the first week in September.  

Music Lesson Fee

The School of Fine Arts strives to keep its student fees both competitive and just for quality instruction.

The cost of a half-hour lesson is $28. The student is responsible to the instructor for the cost of music and these fees. Lesson fees are due on a bi-monthly basis, and fees for each two month period must be paid in advance.


The School of Fine Arts is committed to providing quality music instruction to those who genuinely desire to learn.

It is our desire that all have this opportunity. A scholarship fund has been established to help those with financial need. Full and half scholarships are administered by the School of Fine Arts Advisory Committee of First Baptist Church.


Click here to make a donation or contribute to the Crutchfield Scholarship Fund.

Request Scholarship Application

You may contact the School of Fine Arts Director at 423-648-2545 for more information and an application.